About this course

This immersive 6-month Garment Designing Course is designed to impart the intricacies of the garment design process, equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and creativity needed to conceptualise and craft stylish and functional apparel.

Throughout the course, students are taught every aspect of garment design, from initial concept development to final product realisation. Through a combination of theoretical learning and hands-on practice, students learn how to translate their creative vision into wearable pieces that seamlessly blend style, functionality, and craftsmanship.

The Garment Designing Course covers a wide range of topics, including fashion illustration, pattern drafting, fabric selection, garment construction techniques, and garment fitting principles. Students are guided through the entire design process, gaining insights into industry best practices and emerging trends in the fashion world.

By the end of the course, graduates emerge as skilled garment designers, ready to embark on exciting careers in the fashion industry or pursue further studies in fashion design. Whether aspiring to work for established fashion brands, launch their own clothing line, or explore freelance opportunities, students of the Garment Designing Course are well-prepared to make their mark in the dynamic and competitive world of fashion


  • Specialized curriculum focusing on garment design principles.
  • Hands-on projects for practical application of design concepts

Career Opportunities

  • Garment Designer

  • Fashion Stylist

  • Apparel Illustrator

International Exposure and Projects

Participate in collaborative garment design projects with international students, broadening your design perspective. Engage with industry professionals for valuable feedback on your designs.

Ready to start your creative career journey?