Get your creative prowess into action. Explore trends, master tools, and wield them with finesse under the guidance of seasoned experts who are ready to inspire your interior design revolution.

Bachelor's In Design

Gain comprehensive skills in spatial planning, colour theory, and design principles through an immersive four-year curriculum, shaping you into a versatile and industry-ready interior designer. With a holistic approach at its core, our curriculum is planned to provide students with a deep and comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted field of interior design.

2 years diploma

Our Diploma program provides a hands-on approach to mastering space planning, materials selection, and project management essentials, perfect for aspiring designers to jumpstart their careers in two years.


Our intensive one-year course, covering essential design principles and drafting techniques, is tailored for efficiency, to accelerate your interior design career. With a keen focus on emerging trends, technologies, and sustainability practices, students are equipped with the tools and knowledge to thrive in a rapidly changing landscape.


Our immersive six-month courses, focusing on key design fundamentals, space planning, and industry trends offer a concise yet comprehensive pathway to launch your interior design career. The courses serve as a catalyst for aspiring professionals who aim to swiftly enter the industry.


The condensed three-month courses provides a focused exploration of design principles, materials selection, and project visualisation, and delivers essential skills for aspiring designers in a short timeframe. Catering to those eager to establish a solid groundwork for further studies in interior design, these programs present an ideal pathway.

Ready to start your creative career journey?