Want to cultivate your artistic superpowers? From the foundational principles to advanced techniques, navigate the intricacies of visual communication and design aesthetics. Explore the evolution of design trends, learning not just how to use tools but how to wield them with creativity and finesse.

Bachelor's In Design

Understand the visual relationships that underpin effective communication and learn how to craft clear, coherent messages that resonate with your audience. Gain comprehensive skills in visual communication, typography, and digital design through an immersive four-year curriculum, shaping you into a versatile and industry-ready graphic designer.


Our Diploma program provides a hands-on approach to mastering design software, layout techniques, and branding essentials, perfect for aspiring designers, to jumpstart your career in two years. Additionally, access to internships and industry placements facilitates the acquisition of invaluable firsthand experience and building robust professional networks.

1 Year Certificate

Accelerate your graphic design career with our intensive one-year course, covering essential design principles, digital tools, and portfolio development. Master industry-standard software and cutting-edge equipment, empowering you to bring your design visions to life seamlessly through advanced visualisation and prototyping techniques.


Focusing on key design fundamentals, software proficiency, and real-world projects, our 6-month program offers a concise yet comprehensive pathway to launch your design career. Students will get into the intricacies of visual relationships that form the backbone of effective communication.

Ready to start your creative career journey?